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  Title Copies
Lean Startup How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses 
Year: 2011 
ISBN: 0670921602 
ISBN 13: 9780670921607 
Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit: An Agile Toolkit (Agile Software Development Series) 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2003 
Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovate at Scale (Lean (O'Reilly)) 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2015 
ISBN: 1449368425 
ISBN 13: 9781449368425 
Java Application Architecture: Modularity Patterns with Examples Using OSGi (Robert C. Martin Series) 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2012 
Incident Response & Computer Forensics, Third Edition 
Edition: 3 
Year: 2014 
ISBN 13: 9780071798686 
How Google Tests Software 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2012 
ISBN: 0321803027 
ISBN 13: 9780321803023 
Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 0008247692 
ISBN 13: 9780008247690 
Hardening Windows Systems 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 0072253541 
ISBN 13: 9780072253542 
FYI: For Your Improvement, A Guide for Development and Coaching (4th edition) 
Edition: 4th 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 0974589233 
ISBN 13: 9780974589237 
Extreme Programming Applied: Playing to Win 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2001 
ISBN: 0201616408 
ISBN 13: 9780201616408